Fidelis News

Simple Rules to Follow to Avoid Being a Victim of Phone and Text Fraud!

  • The Credit Union has your card and account information.  We will not ask you for it.
  • Do not give your personal information to anyone over the phone.
  • If you feel uneasy about a call regarding your card or account information, hang up and call the Credit Union at 303-424-5037, we are here to help you.

If you are contacted by individuals requesting your debit or credit card number, DO NOT provide any Credit Union account information to them.  Terminate the call.  Fraudsters do not have your card or account information, they are trying to obtain it directly from you.

Phone and text fraud of this type does not originate with the Credit Union.  The fraudsters have the ability to disguise a phone number so it appears to be from Northwest United or Fidelis, in order to convince you, that you are interacting with the Credit Union Fraud Department.  This type of fraud is referred to as “spoofing”.  There are many sources that spoofing can originate from.  Merchants or other businesses are targets for fraudsters because they maintain card and personal information.   It is becoming all too common in today’s technology driven world.   The best way to combat fraud is to not provide any information to the fraudster.  Do not acknowledge that you have an account with the Credit Union, do not provide your name, card numbers or any personal information, no matter what they say to you!  Fraudsters make it seem very real, and they are well versed in knowing what to say to get your information, including intimidation.  Do not be a victim of fraud.

Please contact the Credit Union if you experience one of these fraudsters. Do not provide any personal, account or card related information to them.

If you received a call and provided information please contact the Credit Union immediately during business hours at 303-424-5037 or after Credit Union hours please call our fraud line at 1-888-241-2510.

Thank you,

Fidelis Catholic Credit Union

Uniting Your Faith and FinancesTM